桃米生態村帶你探索大自然//佳園度假山莊 如果你的假日還沒有規劃,不妨考慮桃米生態村?桃米生態村遠離都市,周圍環繞美麗的森林,在這也不難發現大自然為陶米提供了多樣化的動、植物。特別在四月的夜晚,容易發現一群又一群的火金姑,絕對讓你為之驚艷。 Ifyou don’t have any idea where to go on weekends, why not visit Taomi Village. Thevillage is surrounded by beautiful forest and aloof from the city. Also, it isnot hard to tell that mother nature Taomi with diverse variety of animals andvegetation. Especially at night, youcould always discover groups of fireflies here in April when you visiting here.It might be astonished. 賞螢注意事項: 1. 賞螢時,若您有攜帶手電筒,請將手電筒包上一層玻璃紙並避免直接照射螢火蟲,否則可能會使螢火蟲趕到不適,發現螢火蟲的機會就會降低囉! 2. 請避免捉螢火蟲,一來,擔心造成螢火蟲受傷甚至死亡,二來,會影響到螢火蟲繁衍後代。 Reward Firefly notes: 1. Please bring aflashlight with multilayer coated red or blue cellophane and avoid directexposure of fireflies, make them dizzy and crash Oh! 2. Avoid catchingfireflies, one for fear of excessive force, caused the death of Firefly andthere is also the fear of smell catch fireflies, fireflies at this importantperiod of mating and reproduction. 埔里民宿|佳園渡假山莊 地址:南投縣埔里鎮桃米里桃米巷6-8號 服務專線:0920-055-099或049-2914899 官方網站:http://www.2914899.tw 粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/puli.chiayuan Jia Yuan Resort TEL:0920-055-099 ADD:No.6-8, Taomi Ln., Puli Township, Nantou County54552, Taiwan (R.O.C.) WEB:http://www.2914899.tw RESERVATION:https://www.facebook.com/puli.chiayuan 桃米民宿、埔里民宿、埔里住宿、南投包棟民宿,日月潭包棟,日月潭民宿,日月潭住宿
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